6.The Out of Body Experience
An out of body experience happens when your awareness is transferred beyond your physical body. When it happens during severe bodily trauma, it's often called a near death experience (NDE). And when it's induced at will and used to travel to other planes or dimensions, it's called astral projection (AP).
explains the three conditions surrounding this phenomena:
1. It's a normal dream. You can tell if you are only dreaming that you are in an astral state because you won't experience the separation process.
2. It's a lucid dream. You can consciously induce an out of body experience from within a lucid dream, but it's still only a dream inside your mind.
3. It's a real OBE. You know that you are awake in your real bedroom when the separation process begins. There are no dream characters or constructs. There's a strange, unearthly quiet about it and you feel a bit like a ghost.
Dr Robert Monroe famously documented his out of body experiences in his groundbreaking book, Journeys Out of the Body. He was at first incredulous when he began having OBEs against his will but soon traveled to places far removed from the material and spiritual realities of life on earth.
The concept compels us to rethink our ideas about life and death - and maybe even induce an out of body experience for ourselves.
7. The Mayan Prophecy
According to an increasingly large number of people, the Mayan Prophecy states that the world as we know it will change on December 12, 2012. This is not a new phenomena; as landmark dates draw near, end of the world theories creep out of the woodwork with astonishing popularity.
However, this particular theory has been around for more than 5000 years. It began when the ancient Mayans plotted our position in the Milky Way and launched the Mayan calendar.
The Mayans believed that in the year AD 1999, mankind would have 13 years to recognize our own patterns of self destruction. Then, starting December 12, 2012, our entire lives would be tested and only those most in touch with their spiritual sides would survive (as some interpretations have it). Many people take this as a sign that a natural or manmade disaster will occur, tearing apart the civilized world and taking us back to hunter-gatherer days.
There are other interpretations too: from sun storms to the eruption of a super volcano; from a magnetic field reversal to a meteor impact. Some people even point to the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland as the bringer of doom.
While the world may come to an abrupt end any time, any day, without warning - one thing is for sure: our modern society, like all civilizations before us, is geared to postulate over end-of-the-world mysteries with gusto.
8. Stonehenge
Stonehenge is one of the greatest unexplained mysteries of the world. It's certainly no hoax (estimated to be more than 5,000 years old) and is probably the most important prehistoric monument in the whole of Britain. When you visit Stonehenge, you'll find yourself driving for miles through rolling hills and countryside until, suddenly, you catch sight of this bizarre structure. There's an eerie feel to the area around Stonehenge, and for thousands of years it has soon silently, giving away few clues as to the meaning of its existence.
Excavations have revealed that Stonehenge was built in three parts. First, a series of holes were dug around 3100 BC as part of a religious ceremony. Then, more than 1,000 years later, the most dramatic stage of building took place. Huge bluestones from mountains in Wales were lugged more than 240 miles to the Stonehenge site. Why would anyone do this in the age before the wheel? It wouldn't have been hard to find rocks closer nearby. The stones were set up to form an incomplete double circle, aligned perfectly with the midsummer sunrise.
The third stage in 2000 BC saw the arrival of the more stones, transported by land from the Marlborough Downs some 25 miles away. Then, after a further 500 years had passed, someone felt the need to rearrange the massive Welsh bluestones into the familiar horseshoe and circle we see today.
One of the great unexplained phenomena, the meaning of Stonehenge is still not clear today. Was it a temple, a burial ground, an observatory, or an ancient calendar? Without a time machine to go back and ask, we may never know.
9. Loch Ness MonsterThe Loch Ness Monster is a prehistoric creature thought to inhabit the Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. As lake monsters go, Scotland has tales of a fair few, with Nessie gaining the most popularity of all on the back of anecdotal evidence.
Nessie hit the headlines in 1933 when a story was published in the Inverness Courier. The report quoted a Londoner who had visited a few weeks earlier as seeing: "a most extraordinary form of animal... the nearest approach to a dragon or pre-historic animal that I have ever seen in my life."
After that, more sightings were reported and this unexplained phenomena hit international headlines. That same year, one motorcyclist claimed to nearly hit Nessie late one night as it lumbered across the road and slid back into the loch. Soon, apparent photos of the Loch Ness Monster were being published...
In 1960, an aeronautical engineer filmed a hump crossing the water in Loch Ness in a powerful wake unlike that of a boat. Years later, digital enhancement of the footage revealed what seemed to be the rear body, flippers, and two more humps of a plesiosaur-like body. The technician said: "Before I saw the film, I thought the Loch Ness Monster was a load of rubbish. Having done the enhancement, I'm not so sure."
There's no doubt that the story of Nessie has drawn huge tourist interest to the famed Loch Ness. And while some suggest it's a living plesiosaur, New Scientist points out that such a creature could never lift its head up out of the water like the photos and anecdotes suggest. What's more, the loch is only 10,000 years old and was frozen solid for about 20,000 years before that.
10. The Bermuda TriangleThe Bermuda Triangle is one of the great unexplained phenomena of the 20th century. It is held responsible for the disappearance of countless airplanes and boats in the ocean between Florida, San Juan, and Bermuda. This area is one of the most heavily sailed shipping lanes in the world, with vessels crossing through daily for ports in the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean Islands.
So why do people think there's weird stuff going on in the Bermuda Triangle? Because there are a huge number of disappearances that happened in very mysterious circumstances, falling beyond the possibilities of human error, equipment failure or natural disasters. Many theories attribute a paranormal explanation, like a suspension of the laws of physics.
The first unexplained phenomena occurred in the 1950s when the story of Flight 19 came to light, detailing a group of five US Navy bombers on a training mission. The flight leader was reported to have said: "We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white." It was also claimed that Navy officials said the planes "flew off to Mars", linking the Devil's Triangle with the supernatural.
Skeptics say that such incidents have been embellished, and the Bermuda Triangle is responsible for no more disappearances than any other area of ocean. However, fans of paranormal phenomena say many incidents remain unexplained to this day, despite considerable investigation.
source : world of lucid dream
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10 Unexplained Mysteries Phenomena Part 2
Labels: Allien Phenomena, Animal Phenomena, Human Phenomena, Nature Phenomena
Posted by besar at 6:16 AM
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